Always Busy.

Maths Focus-Positional Language.

Using and Understanding Positional Words.

We use positional words all day long in our classroom however these words need to taught for mathematical success.This week the children have been introduced to these words through hands on games and activities. Movement, outdoor activities and exploration as well as music and dance will all be a major part of the children’s learning  as positioning words relate closely with actions. The ability to follow directions correctly depends on understanding these words, so like any skill positioning words need practice and repetition.

Please practice these words at home

  • in
  • on
  • under
  • beside
  • next to
  • through
  • behind
  • over
  • in front
  • between




Science helps children to explore their natural sense of wonder about the world so this week we all decided to try our luck with some planting. Watching plants grow is fun and educational as well as creating excitement and curiosity.Hopefully growing plant seeds over the coming weeks with the children will teach them how nature works,to  take responsibility in caring for something and an interest in environmental sustainability and pride in themselves for the results they achieve.

By encouraging them to think critically and inquisitively about what they encounter throughout our day, we can help them develop the kind of critical thinking and curiosity they need to be our very own little scientists.

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Mondays : are now going to be our sports day (simple fun  skills such as throwing and catching a ball, games using gross motor skills, leaping, running and jumping etc)to help strengthen the body and prepare for future skills such as writing. Please sports shoes/joggers, track pants/shorts and t-shirt would be suitable.



Below is an App for fine and gross motor skills. The cost is $14.99

Essential Apps for OTs by BinaryLabs, Inc.



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